logoUnique visits: 7828
Can you help getting more info about those carts?
Cart name
Notes for chip search:
  • Use "+" as delimeter for all fields (except "cart name", where space is used); if many values are entered, all of them must appear in the cartridge then; case is not sensitive
  • "Mapper" is the actual mapper used by this cartridge hardware (might not match the one at wiki.nesdev.com, as at the moment I was analyzing this cartridge, there was no mapper assigned to it, so I had to assign my own number for testing)
  • "Original mapper" is the mapper used by licensed version of this game (for multicarts, it refers to mapper of the inside games, so 0+2 means this cartridge can run NROM+UNROM games)
  • Order in which you put values doesn't matter (you can write 7400+74138+7400 or 7400+7400+74138 to search for a cartridge that contains at least two 7400 chips and one 74138
  • Some chips (like PAL16*8) appear in cartridges as 16V8 or 16L8, so be sure to check both posibilities
  • Same goes for memories - type 27F080 to search for 32 pin memories, 27512 for 28 pin with two chip enables or MASKROM_1M_DIP28 for 28 pin with one chip enable
  • Same goes for mappers - some examples: AX5904(MMC1), AX5202P(MMC3), PT8154BM (9112MMC3), AX5208C(VRC4), 23C3662(VRC2)
  • Good news is that you can use wildcards, so 74139+*MMC3* will search for any cartrige that has at least one 74139 and MMC3 chip in any version
Original mapper#
PCB marks
8 in 1
Original mapper2+4
PCB marks00202650
Uploaded:2019-10-16 10:10:02

U56264 (not soldered)(6264)

Chip signature:
27512+AM29F040P+74139+AM29F040P+AM29F040P+AM29F040P+6264 (not soldered)(6264)+6264+AX5202P(MMC3)+74174+16L8

PCB top:

PCB bottom:

Shell top:
No photo

Shell bottom:
No photo

Extra info:

Presumable order of ROM chunks:
  PRG: 512 kB ROM (U2) + 512 kB ROM (U3) + 32 kB ROM (U1) + 8 kB RAM (U5, not soldered)
  CHR: 512 kB ROM (U10) + 512 kB ROM (U4) + 8 kB RAM (U6)
[...A.BCD] $6000-$7fff - control register, set to 0 on powerup/reset
    | |||
    | ||+-- PRG/CHR-A17
    | |+--- PRG/CHR-A18
    | +---- PRG/CHR-A19
    +------ ROM selection: 0=ROM with MENU U1, 1=ROMs with games (U2+U3)
    +------ might also block further writes to this reg when set to 1 (needs pal analysis for confirmation)
PRG A16-A13: controlled by MMC3
PRG A17: controlled by PAL (can come from MMC3-PRG-A17 or from PAL)
PRG A18 = C
PRG A19 = B

CHR A16-A10: controlled by MMC3
CHR A17: controlled by PAL (can come from MMC3-PRG-A17 or from PAL)
CHR A18 = C
CHR A19 = B

* I don't see any bit determining if CHR-ROM or CHR-RAM should be applied.
  Maybe it's hardcoded that for  menu (REG=%00000) and for position 3 (REG=%10010)
  it should enable RAM, otherwise ROM
* I don't see any bit determining if PRG A17/CHR A17 should come from MMC3 (bank size 256 kB)
  or from PAL (bank size 128 kB)
* PAL's pin 18/19 are shorted
* Why does PAL need MMC3-PRG-!CE pin, if it already has wired CPU-!ROMSEL and CPU-R/!W?

                     PRG-ROM | PRG-RAM | CHR-ROM | CHR-RAM |  $6000 
0. Menu            |   32 kB |       0 |       0 |    8 kB | %00000 (relies on powerup value )
1. Super Contra    |  128 kB |       0 |  128 kB |       0 | %10000
2. Ninja Gaiden 2  |  128 kB |       0 |  128 kB |       0 | %10001
3. Contra          |  128 kB |       0 |       0 |    8 kB | %10010
4. Double Dragon 2 |  128 kB |       0 |  128 kB |       0 | %10011
5. Kage            |  128 kB |       0 |  128 kB |       0 | %10100
6. Ninja Gaiden 3  |  128 kB |       0 |  128 kB |       0 | %10101
7. Double Dragon 3 |  128 kB |       0 |  128 kB |       0 | %10110
8. Dead Fox        |  128 kB |       0 |  128 kB |       0 | %10111

                .--v--.                             .-----------------------.
MMC3_PRG_nCE -> |01 20| -- VCC                      |01       +-1k------- 20|
          M2 -> |02 19| -> CHR_RAM_CS               |02 --<|--+    +----- 19|
 CPU_nROMSEL -> |03 18| -> CHR_RAM_CS               |03 --<|--+    +----- 18|
     CPU_A14 -> |04 17| <- CPU_RnW                  |04 --<|--+    |      17|
     CPU_A13 -> |05 16| -> CHR_A17                  |05 --<|--+    |   +- 16|
      REG_D4 -> |06 15| -> CHR_RAM/nROM         ->  |06 -+-|) ------+----- 15|
      REG_D2 -> |07 14| <- MMC3_CHR_A17             |07  +-|)              |  14|
      REG_D1 -> |08 13| -> PRG A17                  |08                +- 13|
      REG_D0 -> |09 12| -> REG_nWR                  |09 ---------------+  12|
         GND -- |10 11| <- MMC3_PRG_A17             |10                   11|
                '-----'                             '-----------------------'

Try replacing PAL with:
pin 9 -> short to both: pin 13, pin 16
pin 6 -> input1 of negattor

REG_nWR <= 0 when CPU_nROMSEL=1 and M2=1 and CPU_A14=1 and CPU_A13=1 and CPU_RnW=0 else 1

If that's PAL failure, you can replace it with fresh new pre-programmed GAL.
But I'd check first U8.pin 1 voltage when cartridge is running (you don't have to solder all elements, just 74174, diode/resistor and capacitor).



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