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Can you help getting more info about those carts?
Cart name
Notes for chip search:
  • Use "+" as delimeter for all fields (except "cart name", where space is used); if many values are entered, all of them must appear in the cartridge then; case is not sensitive
  • "Mapper" is the actual mapper used by this cartridge hardware (might not match the one at wiki.nesdev.com, as at the moment I was analyzing this cartridge, there was no mapper assigned to it, so I had to assign my own number for testing)
  • "Original mapper" is the mapper used by licensed version of this game (for multicarts, it refers to mapper of the inside games, so 0+2 means this cartridge can run NROM+UNROM games)
  • Order in which you put values doesn't matter (you can write 7400+74138+7400 or 7400+7400+74138 to search for a cartridge that contains at least two 7400 chips and one 74138
  • Some chips (like PAL16*8) appear in cartridges as 16V8 or 16L8, so be sure to check both posibilities
  • Same goes for memories - type 27F080 to search for 32 pin memories, 27512 for 28 pin with two chip enables or MASKROM_1M_DIP28 for 28 pin with one chip enable
  • Same goes for mappers - some examples: AX5904(MMC1), AX5202P(MMC3), PT8154BM (9112MMC3), AX5208C(VRC4), 23C3662(VRC2)
  • Good news is that you can use wildcards, so 74139+*MMC3* will search for any cartrige that has at least one 74139 and MMC3 chip in any version
Original mapper#
PCB marks
Moe Pro! Saikyou-hen Baseball
Original mapper18
PCB marksDS-9-30
Uploaded:2022-11-26 01:32:05


Chip signature:

PCB top:

PCB bottom:

Shell top:

Shell bottom:


Extra info:

There are 2 chips which are used for generating extra audio (WR550400 and WR550402). How they work is in progress. This is NOT the same as `Moe Pro! - Saikyou Hen (J) [hM23][p1]`.
This cartridge uses mapper VRC4 with wiring
VRC_A0 <- CPU A2
VRC A1 <- CPU A3
which is #23
Audio registers sit at $E001/$E002/$E003 (mask is $E003). Game uses mirrors of those regs at $f001/$f002/$f003. Unfortunatelly, writing to any of those regs will also be treaten by VRC4 as write to $f000 (IRQ Latch, low 4 bits). Maybe that's the reason why IRQ split graphics in FCEUx doesn't work correctly (it works on real hardware without problems)

Audio chip pinout:
   D7 ->|01  18|<- D0
   D1 ->|02  17|-----------+
   D6 ->|03  16|---------+ R=750k
   D2 ->|04  15|- GND    +-+
   D5 ->|05  14|        
   D3 ->|06  13|
   D4 ->|07  12|
  +5V - |08  11|
AUDIO <-|09  10|

[url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/8283717500_1530198258.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/8283717500_1530198258_thumb.jpeg[/img][/url] [url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/5497403200_1530198265.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/5497403200_1530198265_thumb.jpeg[/img][/url] [url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/8285905700_1530198267.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/8285905700_1530198267_thumb.jpeg[/img][/url] [url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/7595720200_1530198270.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/7595720200_1530198270_thumb.jpeg[/img][/url] [url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/3158807600_1530199983.png][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/3158807600_1530199983_thumb.jpeg[/img][/url]  


I analyzed the chips. Each of them have pre-programmed different set of 8 PCM sounds.

Rising edge on D0..D7 starts playing one of 8 sounds. If two or more inputs rise exactly at the same time, no song is played. When edge occurs during playing, previously played song is stopped and new one is played back.

Clock (pin 16) seems to be running only when song is played, otherwise it is low. With R=750k, f=80kHz. Maybe it can be used as some kind of notification when chip is busy, but it needs to be buffered and filtered. 

Audio output (pin 9) seems to be rather current-output than voltage, without load is it just high, but it produces analog output.

More interesting are pins 10/11/12. They seem to output some kind of digital signal during playback (binary value of PCM sound sample?).

I add dumps for analysing each of the chip, *.logicdata is Saleae file format (for use with Saleae Logic analyzer software) + wav files

I attached RAR because it produced 3MB file in comparision to 7MB ZIP (and maximum attachment size for this board is 4MB)

WR550400/WR550402 pinout
    D7 -> |01   18| <- D0
    D1 -> |02   17| ------------[R=750k]-+
    D6 -> |03   16| -> MAIN CLK----------+
    D2 -> |04   15| -- GND
    D5 -> |05   14| -> SONG3 PLAYED
    D3 -> |06   13| -> SONG3 FINISHED STROBE
    D4 -> |07   12| -> DATA
   +5V -  |08   11| -> CLK1 (for audio data ?)
 AUDIO <- |09   10| -> CLK2 (for meta data?)

* Those 2 chips were used in bootleg version of Moe Pro! Saikyou-hen Baseball[https://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?t=17478], along with pirate VRC4 chip. Original game used Jaleco SS88006 along with D7756C ADPCM Speech Chip [http://bootgod.dyndns.org:7777/profile.php?id=3980]
* Ewach of those 2 chips contains different set of 8 audio samples, used in game.
* Vendor logo printed on ICs suggest that the manuacturer was Winbond,
* Forcing rising edge on one of its D0..D7 inputs enables playback adequate audio sample
* The output "analog" audio has 32-voltage-levels,
* Along with the analog audio, there is some digital data transmitted on pins 12/11/10
* Pin 14 is high for the whole time when D2 audio sample is played,
* Pin 13 goes high for the last 0.5ms when D2 audio sample is played.


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