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Can you help getting more info about those carts?
Cart name
Notes for chip search:
  • Use "+" as delimeter for all fields (except "cart name", where space is used); if many values are entered, all of them must appear in the cartridge then; case is not sensitive
  • "Mapper" is the actual mapper used by this cartridge hardware (might not match the one at wiki.nesdev.com, as at the moment I was analyzing this cartridge, there was no mapper assigned to it, so I had to assign my own number for testing)
  • "Original mapper" is the mapper used by licensed version of this game (for multicarts, it refers to mapper of the inside games, so 0+2 means this cartridge can run NROM+UNROM games)
  • Order in which you put values doesn't matter (you can write 7400+74138+7400 or 7400+7400+74138 to search for a cartridge that contains at least two 7400 chips and one 74138
  • Some chips (like PAL16*8) appear in cartridges as 16V8 or 16L8, so be sure to check both posibilities
  • Same goes for memories - type 27F080 to search for 32 pin memories, 27512 for 28 pin with two chip enables or MASKROM_1M_DIP28 for 28 pin with one chip enable
  • Same goes for mappers - some examples: AX5904(MMC1), AX5202P(MMC3), PT8154BM (9112MMC3), AX5208C(VRC4), 23C3662(VRC2)
  • Good news is that you can use wildcards, so 74139+*MMC3* will search for any cartrige that has at least one 74139 and MMC3 chip in any version
Original mapper#
PCB marks
Pro Action Replay
Original mapper
Uploaded:2020-03-08 10:45:24


Chip signature:

PCB top:

PCB bottom:

Shell top:

Shell bottom:
No photo
No photo
Extra info:
There exist a few cartridge-through cheat accessories for NES/Famicom:
* Gallob's Game Genie (NES)
[url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/9135865100_1583661388_org.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/9135865100_1583661388_thumb.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/5697661600_1583661391_org.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/5697661600_1583661391_thumb.jpg[/img][/url] 

* Datel's Pro Action Replay (NES)

* Prevo's Pro Action Rocky (Famicom)
[url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/7406807400_1583660616_org.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/7406807400_1583660616_thumb.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/9695226700_1583660620_org.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/9695226700_1583660620_thumb.jpg[/img][/url] 

* QJ's Game Action Replay SV-801 (NES)
[url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/8206271400_1583661426_org.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/8206271400_1583661426_thumb.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/3469041500_1583661442_org.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/3469041500_1583661442_thumb.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/7363427200_1583661444_org.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/7363427200_1583661444_thumb.jpg[/img][/url] 

* My KrzysioGenie (Famicom) that I believe to be released soon :D

The first three ones allow player to enter codes to alter game behaviour, fourth one allows saving/restoring game state in any moment. Game Genie is the most popular one, implemented in many emulators and appears in a few revisions (fully DIP chipped PCBs or one-big-blog). Even I've found it embeeded in one console: [url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/3067607200_1583661632.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/3067607200_1583661632_thumb.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/8028836000_1583661637.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/8028836000_1583661637_thumb.jpg[/img][/url] 

Unfortunately there is not much info about the last three ones. I got Pro Action Replay so now it's high time to reveal some mysteries.

[b]If somebody of you readers are in possession or know someone that is in possession of [i]Prevo's Pro Action Rocky (Famicom)[/i] or [i]QJ's Game Action Replay SV-801 (NES)[/i], I would be more than happy if you could get the images of internals. There is almost no info on the internet, just a few low-quality photos of the GAR.


I did not have any clue how `Datel's Pro Action Replay` works. My guesses after briefly examining  [url=https://www.consoledatabase.com/accessories/nes/datelproactionreplay/]a few articles[/a] was that it is somewhat similar to Game Genie, but the codes are different plus there is something called [i]trainer[/i], so I expected inside some big ASIC chip + memories.

Instead, there is just a PAL, PRG-ROM, PRG-RAM, CHR-ROM, a few logic and a switch:
[url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/7582889600_1583670610_org.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/7582889600_1583670610_thumb.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/4920063300_1583670615_org.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/4920063300_1583670615_thumb.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/1612085200_1583670619_org.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/1612085200_1583670619_thumb.jpg[/img][/url] 

The PCB is 1.6mm thick so will wear the connector. I started rev-ing the board but I noticed that it has 3 layers (the only PCB with more than 2 layers I've encountered so far was the [url=https://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?t=18530]Famicom Network System[/url]. I needed to update my KrzysioPCB software to support that. Fortunatelly the internal layer is close to the top one, so lighting the board while scanning revealed it. I still had to make continuity tests for many vias, but that way here is exact layout of the tracks for 3 layers:
[url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/2639224000_1583671898_org.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/2639224000_1583671898_thumb.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/3126971300_1583671900_org.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/3126971300_1583671900_thumb.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/7075412100_1583671902_org.jpg][img]https://obrazki.elektroda.pl/7075412100_1583671902_thumb.jpg[/img][/url] 

For those of you that do not know - few years ago I wrote and published an application, that I use for all my PCB reverse engineering projects. You load top/bottom the images of board, enter locations for pins/smds, draw traces, assign components and finally it generates for you Eagle schematic.
Manual: https://translate.google.pl/translate?hl=pl&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.elektroda.pl%2Frtvforum%2Ftopic3247421.html
Example of use (sorry, no english subtitles at the moment):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0baNbMdQho


How it works:
1. There are rumours that the switch can be used to switch between PAL/NTSC. Truth is that there is H7660 negative voltage charge pump and the switch changes if the CIC-RST line is wired to the negative voltage (position towards NES connector) or if it is wired to the cartridge CIC-RST line, using its CIC (position toward cartridge connector)

2. All lines, except CPU-A14, CPU-/ROMSEL, PPU-/RD are directly connected on both slots.

3. There is a reset detector (based on watching if CPU-A0 toggles or not). Quite weird - it filters out the DC component and then shorts the negative part to ground.

4. There are two latches that switches between REPLAY/NORMAL mode (one for PRG and one for CHR)
In DEFAULT mode, CPU-A14, CPU-/ROMSEL and PPU-/RD on the cart side follows the ones on NES side.

In REPLAY mode (which is default after reset):
* CPU-/ROMSEL and PPU-/RD on the cartridge side are asserted high.
* REPLAY-PRG-ROM is enabled for read/writes $8000-$ffff (bus conflicts!)
* REPLAY-CHR-ROM for $0000-$1fff.
* CPU-A14 on the cart side is asserted low, so that every read/write is seen by cartridge to be in $0000-$3fff. That way, it prevents cartridge to drive data bus below $8000 (for example at $6000 if there is RAM, at $5c00 if it is MMC5-EXRAM or any other read/write register in that range). Ideally, CPU-A13 also should be asserted low because that way if some mapper (like MMC5) checks for PPU read/writes, it might alter its operation.

Switching to REPLAY mode for PRG and CHR, as well as WRAM-/CE are asserted by the PAL (which sniffs all CPU address lines, but not R/W). 


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